A brow lift procedure can create a youthful, elevated brow line which leads to an overall refreshed and rejuvenated facial appearance.

Heavy brows can make people appear angry, sad, or upset when they really aren’t. The brow lift procedure corrects heavy, low positioned eyebrows by removing loose skin and repositioning tissue and muscles. This, in turn, elevates the eyebrows and softens deep set lines on the forehead and between the brows, countering the aforementioned concerns. A brow lift can take years off of a person’s appearance and lead to a more youthful and invigorated look. Through concealed incisions along the hairline or the eyebrows depending on the technique, Dr. Suarez excises lax skin and repositions tissue to effectively raise the brow line. This can in some cases improve eyesight as well by lifting upper eyelid skin that may be covering the eyes.
Brow lift candidates include men and women who are between 40 and 60 years old who have sagging eyebrows and wish to raise them to a more youthful position. Potential candidates may also want to reduce the appearance of forehead and frown lines. Most candidates are drawn to the brow lift procedure because they want longer lasting results than Botox would provide. Botox is however sometimes used in conjunction with the procedure for heightened results.
Some characteristics of the ideal candidate include:
- Healthy
- Non-smoker
- Sagging eyebrows
- Unhappy with their brow appearance
- Have deep set lines and wrinkles above and between the eyebrows
- Impaired vision from drooping eyebrows
- Have realistic expectations
Men and women interested in learning more about the procedure and want to see if they are a good candidate are encouraged to schedule a consultation.
There are many benefits to undergoing a brow lift procedure, including:
- Younger appearance
- Refreshed look
- Reduced lines and wrinkles
- More approachable appearance
- Improved eyesight
- Lasting results
Patients interested in having a brow lift will first need to schedule a consultation with Dr. Suarez. Please note that since this procedure is very customized, results will vary based on the patient´s degree of brow sagging and their aesthetic goals.
The brow lift will reduce the appearance of frown lines, sagging forehead skin, and deep-set furrowed brow lines, making patients look younger, more refreshed, and well-rested. To make sure results of a brow lift are long-lasting, patients are encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle and use proper sun protection. For enhanced results, Botox injections can be performed, which is explained in more detail below.
The brow lift procedure is commonly performed with a facelift because a facelift does not address the upper third of the face. A facelift is designed to remove loose skin and reposition tissue and muscle in the lower two-thirds of the face. This is done with discreet incisions along the hairline and ear so scars are undetectable. By combining a facelift with a brow lift, patients enjoy all-encompassing facial rejuvenation from top to bottom. For even more comprehensive results, patients may choose to get a neck lift as well.
Eyelid surgery is also commonly performed with a brow lift for those who want additional rejuvenation of the upper third of the face. Eyelid surgery removes loose lower and upper eyelid skin and addresses under eye puffiness. Patients can choose to have upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery, or a combination of the two depending on their desired results. Patients choose to undergo eyelid surgery along with a brow lift because a brow lift may lift the upper eyelids ever so slightly, but not to the extent that upper eyelid surgery can. This is because a brow lift will simply lift the brow and the skin below, but eyelid surgery will excise loose upper eyelid skin. This creates rejuvenated and alert eyes.
A brow lift can reduce the appearance of forehead lines and lines in between the brows, but the addition of Botox skyrockets results. Botox is a non-surgical neurotoxin specifically designed to diminish forehead lines and wrinkles between the brows. Botox can also treat crow’s feet for a more youthful appearance.
Cost of a brow lift is determined by multiple factors. Dr. Suarez can discuss pricing during the consultation. Some factors include: the technique used, other treatments advised to use in combination to treat the issue, anesthesia, and hospital facility. During the consultation, Dr. Suarez will create a personalized treatment plan which can serve as the basis for a cost estimate.