Cosmetic surgery isn’t just for the face or abdomen; labiaplasty is a procedure for women who wish to enhance the aesthetic of their vagina and desire vaginal rejuvenation.

It is in fact a very sought out procedure by women of all ages and backgrounds. Some want to improve the look of the labia minora after childbirth, while others may naturally have an enlarged labiaminora they wish to reduce in size. Find out more about labiaplasty below, or feel free to contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Suarez.
Labiaplasty is a cosmetic surgery that reconstructs and enhances the appearance of the labia minora and clitoris. Protrusion, size, and asymmetry are some of the concerns that can be addressed with this procedure. Labia hypertrophy, the clinical name for the aforementioned labial size issues, can be a source of discomfort both physically and emotionally for women of any age. A labiaplasty procedure with Dr. Suarez provides women with an enhanced vaginal aesthetic and increased comfort and confidence.
There is no medical necessity to undergo a labiaplasty procedure, but healthy women of any age who have labial hypertrophy symptoms can qualify as candidates. Generally, women seeking labiaplasty want to:
- Reduce the size of their labia minora and/or clitoral hood
- Fix labial asymmetry
- Reconstruct the vulva after childbirth
- Address hygiene difficulties caused by an enlarged labia
- No longer encounter pain when wearing tight pants or bikini bottoms
- Restore stimulation
- No longer want to feel embarrassed or avoid sexual activity
Labiaplasty is most commonly performed on women between 20-40 years of age, but again, there are no age restraints. However, there are some labiaplasty contraindications, including pregnancy, smokers, and women with certain sexually transmitted diseases.
There is no “perfect looking” vagina; there are too many genetic variations to pinpoint an average vulva aesthetic, just as everyone’s visage and body frame is different. Some women’s labia minora hides within the labia majora, while others extend past it. This cosmetic condition of enlarged inner lips is referred to as labia minora hypertrophy, and it’s perfectly normal. Labia majora hypertrophy, the condition of large outer lips, is also within the wide range of normalcy. It is very common for women to have different sized or disproportionate labia minora and/or majora. It is also common for women to want to enhance the vulva aesthetic, which is the purpose of the labiaplasty procedure.
Labial hypertrophy can be caused by different factors, the two most common being genetics and childbirth. Women can be born with labia minora and/or majora hypertrophy or experience it’s onset after puberty. It can be a mild case or extremely visible, although neither physically harmful. Natural childbirth can also cause labia minora hypertrophy from the extreme stretching and pressure caused by the child. Additionally, trauma or infection can cause labial hypertrophy. No matter the cause, the aesthetics can be improved by Dr. Suarez with a labiaplasty technique deemed suitable for the individual case.
There is no one technique that is better than the other. Labiaplasty can be performed with different techniques to address different aesthetic concerns and meet different goals. Multiple techniques can be used during the same surgical session for heightened results.
The trim resection labiaplasty technique is ideal for women whose concern is dark discoloration at the ends of the labia. It is also the ideal technique for those with an extremely long but thin labia minora. The trim resection is performed by making horizontal incisions along the top part of both sides of the labia minora that are protruding from the labia majora. The sides of the labia minora are then sutured in a straight line. The edges can sometimes be trimmed in a wavy fashion for a more anatomically similar looking labia.

The clitoris is the semi-spherical tissue above the labia minora. And for some it’s not the labia minora that’s enlarged but only the clitoris, in which case a clitoral hood reduction can be performed. It is more common however for both the labia minora and clitoris to be enlarged. During a clitoral hood reduction, tissue from the lateral hood is removed in such a way so Dr. Suarez can reposition the clitoris more anterior and inward and make it more proportional.
Also known as a VY resection or Z-plasty, the wedge resection method excises a V or Y shaped piece of tissue from the middle of the labia minora. The two ends are then sutured together for a smaller, neater aesthetic. This method preserves the natural edges of the labia minora, as opposed to the trim method which excises them. However, for this reason, the wedge resection method does not remove edge discoloration.

The modified wedge resection is a technique built off the standard wedge resection. This modification is performed by making incisions laterally and anterior, similar to the shape of a hockey stick. The modified wedge resection does not have very visible, if any, scarring as the sutures lie in the natural crease between the labia minora and labia majora. This method is ideal for those who want to address an enlarged clitoris since medial-later clitoral hood is address as well.
Before labiaplasty surgery, patients are asked to refrain from smoking for the month prior to surgery. They should also refrain from taking any medications unless cleared by Dr. Suarez. Also, patients are asked to shave the area the day before surgery. Please make sure to arrange for a ride home from surgery.
Labiaplasty can safely be performed with either sedation, local or general anesthesia; patients have the option of remaining awake if they’d like. Once the desired agent has been administered, the labia minora and/or clitoris are marked in the pattern of the chosen technique(s).
Women heal quickly after labiaplasty because there is no underlying structure or direct pressure on the labia. Patients are able to walk immediately following the surgery, but Dr. Suarez recommends taking a few days off from work to ensure optimal healing. Sitting is not recommended for the first several days of recovery, but rather lying down. For the initial couple of weeks there may be slight swelling or tenderness which can be eased with over the counter pain medication. It also helps to wear loose fitting bottoms until the vulva is no longer tender. Antibiotics may be given to patients as well as a lubricant to help speed along healing.
Things to avoid for the first two months:
- Harsh soap or body washes
- Swimming pools
- Baths
- Jacuzzis
- Tampons
- Sexual activity
Scars usually take 6 months to a year to completely heal, but once fully healed most scars are imperceptible. Even if they do not completely fade, the incisions are so small they are barely even visible. The size also depends on the technique undergone. Extended wedge resection method leaves the smallest visible scarring.

Labiaplasty cost at Dr. Suarez’s office will be based on the techniques used to meet the desired result, also taking into consideration any complementing procedures performed at the same time. A cost estimation is provided to all patients after a consultation examination. Please feel free to contact OAS Plastic Surgery today if you are interested in a labiaplasty procedure.